Maintaining health and safety standards in the aftermath in a post-pandemic COVID world

Maintaining health and safety standards in the aftermath in a post-pandemic COVID world

In the past few years, businesses and workers have had to adapt and develop significantly. No one could have anticipated the difficulties facing companies and firms. As regulations were drafted and altered at a frenzy during the outbreak, it was hard to tell right...

The supply chain disruptions have caused havoc in all aspects of the healthcare industry

As a result of COVID-19, the global supply chain has been left with empty shelves, longer lead times, and higher costs. The pandemic affected all industries, including healthcare, resulting in 67 percent more supply chain disruptions. Many supply chain disruptions...

Advantages of hiring an external company to perform healthcare support services

Healthcare Market Conditions The healthcare system is being impacted by a substantial supply-demand gap caused by a shortage of qualified workers and the remnants of pandemic fears. The pre-pandemic market pressures of staffing have been magnified by employee...